We are thirlled to be welcoming a new Veterinarian in July 2024.  Meet Dr. Danielle Harkness>>>

Surgical Services for Pets

Our highly skilled veterinary surgeons and technicians perform safe procedures in our suite.

Veterinary surgeries require the highest degree of precision and expertise. Our team is equipped with skilled veterinarians and Registered Veterinary Technicians who will provide your dog or cat with the best care before, during and after their procedure. To learn more about our surgical services, please contact us at 905-945-8631.

Who will perform my dog or cat’s surgery?

All our veterinarians are skilled surgeons who have the necessary expertise to safely perform your dog or cat’s procedure. Surgeries are a routine part of our veterinary practices. In addition to one of our most common procedures, spays and neuters, we also perform the following:

  • Tumour or lump removal
  • Bladder stone removals
  • Minor orthopedic procedures
  • Intestinal foreign body removal
  • Wound repair
  • Dental procedures

When should I drop them off for their procedure?

Our surgical patients are admitted in the morning and discharged in the late afternoon by our veterinary team. This way, your concerns and questions can be addressed directly by them. We depend on our Registered Veterinary Technicians to deliver safe anesthesia to our patients and keep them comfortable during their stay with us. They closely monitor vital signs to ensure your dog or cat is responding well to the procedure, and we can act quickly if necessary.

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